Gary's Background

Born in Allentown

Born in Allentown Pennsylvania in 1950

to Audrey and Harold Ricker

Marital Status

Divorced 2011

3 Children


Graduated from Bryant University 1972

BS Business Administration

Early Career

1973 - Village Cheese Shoppes of America

1974 - Founded The The Village Cheese Shops

1975 - Founded Sarkus String Cheese Start-up

1978 - Creator of The Bagel Chip

1978 - Founded Burns and Ricker Bagel Crisps


Started a property development company

Developed South American Based Software Company - Thunder

Boat building and boat import business

Asia Importing Company - Pacific Rim Direct

Bricks Pizza Franchise

Eyeware business in Greece - BRK

Late Career

Dental Lab in New Jersey

Broker for a whiskey industry disruptor.